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Aviation Security Training Courses

WD Training Centre delivers aviation security training courses nationwide as defined in the National Civil Aviation Security Program (NCASP).
Our Irish Aviation Authority approved aviation security courses are continuously reviewed and updated.

Airport BSAT Training

This training must be completed for any individuals applying for an airside access badge.(click here for more details)

Air Cargo Security (preparation, handling)

Any staff or individuals working within secure areas of a company preparing, handling or transporting secure air cargo and air mail must complete this training course. (click here for more details)

Aviation Security 11.2.7

This training is general security awareness and is the minimum requirement for those requiring unescorted access within airport & inflight suppliers secure areas, such as administration staff members, cleaners, security staff etc.

Airport Suppliers

Staff working within secure areas with identifiable airport supplies must complete this training. (click the title for more details)

Inflight Suppliers

Staff working within secure areas with identifiable inflight supplies must complete this training. (click the title for more details)

Aviation Supervisor Training 11.2.4

Supervisors and lead hands responsible for ensuring security procedures are implimented on a day to day and shift by shift basis must complete this training. (click the title for more details)

Aviation Security Manager Training 11.2.5

This training is for aviation security and deputy managers only and is designed to ensure they have a thorough understanding and can impliment the provisions of the NCASP.   (click the title for more details)
We also offer a large selection of aviation security training courses online, click here to check out our online aviation security training courses.
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